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For my scene analysis we will be looking at the 3rd episode of the Star Wars trilogy Revenge of the Sith. More specifically will look at the scene of Padme's plea along with Anakin and Obi Wan's monologue. The scene starts with Padme landing on the lava planet that is Mustafar where Anakin has been. We get a close up of Padme's face full of distress, confusion, and sadness forming the mood of this scene.It then cuts to a scene of a cloaked figure in the distance backgrounded by lava spurting everywhere. This gives us a feel of the setting that this is not a nice, beautiful place but one that brings anger and an eeriness. We then see cloaked fire drop his hood and reveal Anakin from the shadows of his hood as he runs to greet Padme. This drop of the cloak brings us the two sides of Anakin. The cloaked man the dark side of him he before this has been doing evil deeds.

While when he drops the hood it reveals the good in him and shows how he truly feels in the presence of his love. We get a close up of the two run up to each other where we cut to a distant shot of them hugging revealing the area that this scene takes place in. We cut to a different angle but still distant where we get our first dialogue of Anakin asking what Padme's doing here. Its important to note that we have an intense buildup music dominating the scene before Anakin begins the conversation. 


Yet when he starts to talk the intense music doesn't stop just fades to the background becoming more eerie leaving that feeling that a pivotal point of the movie is about to happen. Were followed by padme talking in a distressed and anxious tone talking about things Obi Wan has said. Its where we cut back to Anakin at the Mention of Obi Wan brings Anakin mood from happy to see her to concerned and distasteful. As Padme continues her distressed rant on the horrible things Anakin has done that Obi Wan told her. More of the mentioning of Obi Wan gives Anakin a disappointed look and the close up of this somewhat disappointed look kind of shifts the scene from Padme and Anakin to Obi Wan and Anakin and where that climax is going to happen. More dialouge including 

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Obi wan brings close ups of the two embracing each other in arms until Anakin explains his ideals and what is actually happening. Conforming what Obi Wan told Padme as she starts to back away from him. It's at that moment their love starts to fade. At more mentions of Obi Wan Anakin goes from disappointed to angry. Padme's sadness boils over and says that he is breaking her heart. The one thing Anakin had and loved he nows sees as turned against him and he immediately thinks its because of Obi Wan. After many back and force close ups of the two we get an even closer up of Anakin whose gaze looks up and the face of anger turns to hatred. No matter what was said between Padme and Anakin that was all a buildup to Obi Wan and Anakin confronting each other.  We cut to   

a different shot of Obi Wan standing at the top of ramp in the 

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ship. Besides the all the red and hatred this setting brings Obi Wan stands in the light as a hero. This light also shows he is not like the hatred red but the good light. We cut back to padre still talking trying to help Anakin without knowing whats behind her. We cut to a more distant shot of Anakin who's pacing and has completely engulfed in rage. He's not listening to Padme's pleas anymore since that is not the focus of this situation anymore. We cut back to Obi wan as he slowly walks down taking over this scene. We cut back to Padme finally realizing who's behind her immediately  shouting in panic "no" realizing whats about to happen knowing she can't stop it anymore. As Anakin 

force chokes Padme Obi Wan walks down and finally enters the area and finally joins the dialouge. As Anakin drops padme it finally leads to the back and forth close ups of Obi Wan and Anakin we get the dialouge this scene has been building up too. We kget a shot of both people and having them drop their cloaks and we all know what is inevitable gonna happen. We get a up top view of them circling each other so its now Obi wan near Padme. We get a close up check on padre still unconscious. Now we get a close up of Anakin still in monolouge until Obi Wan pops up over the Shoulder of Anakin but still in focus. This whole scene led up to this one moment where Anakin and Obi Wan confront each other.

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